2 Squares Solutions is celebrating its 15th anniversary this month, a milestone we believe is definitely worth celebrating!
"I would like to thank all of our clients and partners, who are committed to our accomplishments and the success of our projects," said Robert J. Pillow, President. "Our ongoing success would be impossible without you. Thank you to all of our customers and partners who continue to believe in our services and people, and who have helped us endure and thrive throughout the years. We celebrate this milestone because of you."
But even as we take a breath to commemorate this achievement, we know this is not the time to sit back and become complacent. We must continue to focus and execute on the things we do well and develop the areas in our business that need improvement. It is time to reflect on the wisdom gained, the successes, and lessons learned along this journey.
When asked, Robert provided the following list of lessons learned from 15 years in business.
- Sales solve most problems - Always work on marketing and building your pipeline
- Recurring revenue is the name of the game - The world is moving to subscriptions, find a way to join it
- Treat your customers great, but treat your employees even better - Happy employees are productive employees
- Be unique - Find a way to differentiate what you do and how you do it
- Only the agile survive - How well you adapt will determine the tenure of your business
- Teamwork - There is strength in numbers
- Know your numbers - Focus on your margins and where you are most profitable
- Give credit where credit is due - Praise your people when they do great work
- Fail fast - We all make mistakes, learn to recognize them quickly in order move on to the next success
- Do the right thing - Even when no one is looking
- Keep learning - The continual thirst for knowledge will result in big dividends down the road
- People do business with people - Find the human touch in our digital world
- Empower your employees - Unleash the best in your team
- Love what you do - Life is too short
"Our ability to adapt has allowed us to prosper over the years. I look forward to new challenges, new technology and to seeing what the next 15 years will bring!" says Pillow. "Thank you again to our amazing clients we have had the honor to service over the years. We appreciate everything that you do!"
It is difficult to be an expert at anything anymore. The world we live in and the technology we use continues to change at an unprecedented pace. But a few things still remain for us—we enjoy the people we work with and we love what we do! So, to all those who are reading this please accept our sincerest gratitude and thank you from all of us at 2 Squares Solutions. Hang on tight and enjoy the ride.
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